How far down the rabbit hole will you go?
The Harms of Intelligence
We examine the harms of intelligence, and suggest ways to cripple its power and empower its victims.
Uniqueness and Loneliness
We discuss the reciprocal relationship between uniqueness and loneliness.
What Is Worth Dying For?
We discuss the human concept of self-sacrifice when taken to the extreme. We postulate that it may be precisely what is needed to save the human race.
Being Versus Doing
We discuss the hidden beauty and humanity that lies in simply being.
How Fear Destroys All Joy
We discuss how fear can limit one’s ability to enjoy the full pleasure and euphoria that our human lives have to offer.
Subjective Experiences and Isolation
We discuss the importance of sharing subjective experiences and argue that the time has come to build a safe place where people can discuss their peak experiences and be understood together.
Fear of Death
We learn from animals how thinking about death only diminishes our ability to enjoy life.
Finding Your Purpose
Describes the difference between a purpose and a goal, how the ego causes suffering, and how to find bliss and avoid suffering in this world.
Why Are There Only Men In the Wilderness?
We posit several theories as to why men are overwhelmingly the gender to venture off into the wilderness alone.
Analogies and Meaning
The analogy has more power than we give it credit. Here, we discuss some of its power, including increasing meaning in our lives.
The Meaning of Life Is Balance
A deep thinker discusses the meaning of life, using nature as his canvas.