The Deep Thinker

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Flipping the Switch Into Dream World

Welcome to dream world: a world where all of your dreams are well-fed and vibrant. Where your hopes are thriving, your wishes are strong, and your future is a beautiful bouquet of what could-be’s and what-ifs. There is no criticism or judgment in dream world. There is no fear or doubt. There is only love, hope, abundance, freedom, and pleasure. Sounds like a wonderful place, right? 

What if there was a switch we could flip that would allow us to enter this dream world? Not only would we be able to access this wonderful place whenever we had the time, but it would also help us with problems in the “normal world” where answers elude us. In this dream world our creativity is boundless. It contains all of the collective knowledge of our lives, with a memory that is far sharper than our conscious mind can recall. It isn’t limited by perceptions, beliefs, or previous mistakes, and instead carries with it an unbridled enthusiasm and zest for the world, which reminds us of our childhood. This dream world fills you with energy and joy, and helps you to weather the onslaught of crap that reality sometimes throws at us. 

I know that this switch exists, and that many successful and happy people have learned to control it. It is often what allows creative geniuses to produce so many of their amazing works of art or produce performances that take our breath away. It is often where actors go to find their inspiration, or where writers go to find their ideas. This “switch” is sort of the difference between living a life filled with purpose and meaning, and living one based out of fear. 

How do we create our own dream world switch? Here are some strategies that I think will help: 

  • Always say yes when someone needs your help

  • Turn off the judgment/criticism ticker tape in your mind. Just say “stop” every time it starts

  • Throw out logic for a while...just throw it out the freakin’ window. It’s just a construct developed by humans anyway. Many things in this world are not sequentially cause and effect (i.e. emergence) 

  • Have faith...just because you don’t know every step, doesn’t mean it can’t happen

  • Follow your gut, feel your body, quiet the mind

  • Have a drink, or take a small amount of a substance that relaxes  you...this is fun time, your time, your slow down and enjoy time...OR….take a large amount of caffeine with the proper amount of food, if stimulants are your thing

  • There are no consequences...anxiety only exists in the future

  • Create an environment for change - change the lighting, put up a sign, have a different room where the fantasy happens etc. 

  • Have a chant or saying (up up and away)

  • Create a visualization (a picture of what you wish to do or accomplish)

  • Have a physical movement (dance or otherwise)

  • Have a tradition (lighting of a chalice or playing an instrument or singing something)

  • Remove all distractions/obligations for the foreseeable future (turn off phone, tell friends and family that you are to not be disturbed, etc.)

  • Wear clothing and a hairstyle that represents your inner self (superman needed a costume after all)

  • Have healthy/comforting foods ready to go for the duration of the time

This may be more than enough for you to flip the switch into dream world, or not enough - that is for you to decide. You may find other techniques that work better. These are ones that work for me, and fill me with energy. 

Experiment. Next time that you have a day or even just an afternoon to yourself, employ these steps, and step into the dream world. I imagine that you’ll be pleasantly surprised, and pleased, with the person that emerges.