The Deep Thinker

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Every Batman Needs a Robin

They say that behind every great man is a great woman. But it could more generally be said that behind every great person is an equally great person. Michael Jordan needed Scottie Pippen. Bill Gates needed Melinda. The great religious leaders needed their devoted disciples. Whether it’s a supportive mother, a supportive partner, or a supportive friend, it’s nearly impossible for great humans to achieve historically significant accomplishments without substantial help or assistance from another key figure. 

This key figure rarely receives the recognition they deserve. This “Robin” is often quieter, more empathic, sympathetic, and supportive than the trailblazing leader that they support. They often operate in the shadows, propping up Batman, tending to his wounds, healing his ego, and providing him with the love and energy that he needs to keep going. 

Every great feat requires heroic acts to overcome seemingly impossible obstacles. There will undoubtedly be mistakes along the way that would normally derail a normal person. Robin knows this, and stands at the ready. Whenever Batman falters, Robin is there to hold him up, and support him through the struggles. Robin gives Batman confidence, and assures him that he can do anything that he wants. In essence, Robin makes Batman believe that he is a superhero, even though beneath the costume, he’s just a regular man. 

This is actually  necessary for accomplishing great deeds. Belief that one is a superhero allows our dreams to become reality. For, if we dream only halfheartedly, then we will abandon our visions at the slightest setback. It is Robin who pours the concrete foundation for these dreams, fueling the flames, and stoking the fire. When Batman’s dream is dashed on the ground, and he wants to retreat to the safety of the past, where expectations are lower and pressures slighter, it is Robin who rebuilds the dream and helps him back onto his feet. 

Robin is just as much of a hero as Batman, because Robin has to give everything that he has to keep Batman going. Robin pins his future to Batman’s, whether he succeeds or not. He has to take a risk, a gamble, and largely lose direct control over where the car goes. It can be stressful and full of doubt, but Robin’s belief in Batman’s abilities can’t waiver, because then Batman will falter. The largest sacrifice of all is that Robin doesn’t receive the validation or credit that Batman receives. No one calls Robin the hero, but he is. 

The world needs Batmans, and Batmans need their Robins. Each year, the untold story of the strong but silent wife is coming forward, and we are slowly giving the credit to the Robins of the world that they deserve. As more stories are written, the world will eventually realize how important these silent heroes are to not only the success of Batman, but to the world at large. Batmans are special, and they deserve credit for all that they do. But Robins are special too, and it’s great to see them getting the appreciation and recognition that they have so long deserved.